Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Vernazza, Cinque Terre
Vernazza, Cinque Terre, oil and markers

May 23, 2011

36 Fighter Wing Reunion June 2011

Using a Google Earth image of present day Bitburg, Germany, I was able to make a realistic view of an Eagle making a vertical climb. The Kyll river valley is upper right. This clear day would have been rare in West Central Germany.
The banner for our reunion in Phoenix, June 2-5. Art work is from my painting below.

Because I couldn't find good art work of the patches, I painted originals using the original Disney designs.

Front of the 36 TFW t-shirt

Back of the t-shirt. The Eagle is from another painting (see below)

The Tiger Polos came out nice. It takes 20,000 stitches to make the patch and lettering.

I have a limited number of squadron decals to sell for .50 each

This original painting, used for the banner art work, will be for sale at the reunion.

I'm also working on a Bulldog version and hope to bring it.

This painting will also be sold at the reunion. Eagle attacking a MiG in typical German clouds. I think it shows the vertical ability of the F-15.

A mosaic made from several hundred photos of people and planes from the time I was in the Tiger Squadron, from 77-80. I hope to make another version from photos supplied by other Bitburg alumni.

A detail of the above mosaic. The yellow dots that reappear are Tiger One's birthday cake.

I'll be selling large Uber Alles decals for jacket backs.