Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Vernazza, Cinque Terre
Vernazza, Cinque Terre, oil and markers

February 26, 2011

Fighter Aviation

F-16 loaded "wall to wall." This was painted for my good friend, Lt. Gen. Dan Leaf, who was Wing Commander at Aviano, Italy during Operation Allied Force in 1999.

A pencil drawing of me flying the A-7D, 1975. You can see the other planes in my formation in my visor.

F-15s over Bitburg, Germany, 1977. The shelters we're flying over are concrete revetments to protect our planes from the enemy. The Cold War was still pretty hot.

F-15 attacking a Mig in the early morning over Germany. This picture shows the vertical ability of the Eagle and displays the four Sparrow missiles and the four Sidewinders.

A rare five ship formation over Monument Valley, Utah. This was a photo op for the 405th Wing. I'm flying the second plane from the top, our squadron flagship.

This painting was a gift to our Squadron Flight Surgeon, Doc Rodney Cloonan.

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