Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Vernazza, Cinque Terre
Vernazza, Cinque Terre, oil and markers

June 11, 2011


This picture of our daughter Katie, age 2, was my first attempt at a color portrait.  I used a white canvas with no gesso ground and simply made a detailed drawing and filled it in.  My mother made the dress.  Katie has been my best subject.

This picture of Katie at age 4 was a "Degas-like" attempt.  This is the picture my wife says she'd take with her if the house was burning.
Not a great composition, but a picture of Katie with unconvincing flowers, in front of our house in Virginia.

Katie, in the "royal" style of French Renaissance painter Francois Clouet.
I painted this from a photo I took by surprise, which is how I had to get many of  her pictures. She was reading and I liked the way the light fell on her.
Katie as a model for Renoir's "Girl Reading."  I started with a better likeness of Katie, but had to change it to make it look "Renoir-like."
My best portrait, Katie in her wedding dress.  The wedding had a Venetian theme, so I put in some Venetian bridges along a canal bank in Las Colinas, Texas. BTW, you can't make a wedding dress pure white, it looks strange.  I used all the colors in the picture in her dress.

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